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Microsoft Word for Lawyers

Categories covered in this topic:
Drafting Your Brief
Formatting your Document
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Word
Reviewing your Document


  1. still frame from Hyperlinks 1 min


    How to use hyperlinks in your Microsoft Word document. Includes how to create the links, turn purple links back to blue, edit hyperlinks to emails, and more.

  2. still frame from Printing 1 min


    Helpful bells and whistles to know about when you’re printing your document in Microsoft Word, such as how to print certain ranges of pages, and how to hide your track changes and comments.

  3. still frame from Viewing Your Page 2 min

    Viewing Your Page

    The different ways you can view your page on the Microsoft Word screen, and when they’re helpful. Includes snapping two documents side by side, the “focus” view that cuts distractions from your screen, and more.

  4. still frame from Navigating Word 2 min

    Navigating Word

    An overview of how the Microsoft Word screen is organized, giving users the lay of the land. Includes how to find the tool you need, how the tools are grouped within the ribbon, and how to take advantage of the Navigation Pane.

  5. still frame from Comments 4 min


    How to get the most out of working with Comments in your Microsoft Word document. Covers when to use the different views, how to show just one person’s comments, how to declutter your screen when there are too many comments, and more.